Guest Post

We welcome guest contributors to share their unique perspectives and expertise with our readers. If you have an insightful article, opinion piece, or in-depth analysis that aligns with our mission and interests, we would love to hear from you.

Why Write for us?

  • Reach a Wide Audience: Share your insights with our diverse and engaged readership.
  • Build Your Profile: Enhance your credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Join the Conversation: Contribute to meaningful discussions on current events and important issues.

    How to Submit

    Please email your submission to  with the subject line “Guest Post Submission – [Your Topic]”. Our editorial team will review your submission and respond within two weeks.

What We’re Looking For

We seek well-researched, original content that provides value to our readers. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Breaking News: Timely and relevant news stories.
  • Politics: Analysis, commentary, and opinion pieces on political events and policies.
  • Business: Insights into market trends, economic analysis, and business strategies.
  • Technology: Articles on tech innovations, trends, and their impact on society.
  • Health: Health news, wellness tips, and medical advancements.
  • Lifestyle: Stories on travel, culture, entertainment, and personal finance.

Submission Guidelines

  • Original Content: Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere.
  • Word Count: Articles should be between 800 and 1,500 words.
  • Format: Submit your article in a Word document or Google Doc format.
  • Bio: Include a short bio (50-100 words) and a headshot with your submission.
  • Links: You may include up to two relevant links to your website or social media profiles.

Editorial Policy

  • Review Process: All submissions are reviewed by our editorial team for quality and relevance.
  • Edits: We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, style, and length.
  • Publication: Not all submissions will be accepted. If your article is selected, we will notify you of the publication date.

Contact Us

For any questions or further information, please contact our editorial team at 

Thank you for your interest in contributing to DailyNews – We look forward to your submissions and the valuable insights you bring to our community.


We are also accepting guest post using register into our website and start writing. Submit Guest Post –

  • Post publishing with a permanent DOFOLLOW and great SEO Value back-links.
  • The post will be listed on the homepage of our site for a limited time until new posts are published.
  • We will not publish purely promotional texts.
  • Use copyright/royalty-free images.
  • Add resources if the article is a collaboration of ideas and thoughts.
  • Boost Your Online Influence.
  • We will add internal and external links to improve SEO and to make the article look more natural.
  • We WILL NOT post articles related to drugs, s*x, alcohol, casino, gambling, CBD oils, and these words and links MUST NOT BE inside the post!

Articles that I will publish will NOT have any sponsored labels and will look 100% natural. 

If you are to provide us an article:

  • It must be 100% unique
  • It must have at least 500 words.
  • It can have maximum 1-2 links inside (we will add more internal and high-authority external links – post must look 100% natural)

High Authority and unique guest posts linking to your asset will boost his value and help Google understand your site is valuable.

Guest blogging means publishing an article on somebody else’s website or blog. There are tons of advantages for the website owner and also the guest blogger when this happens. Listed here are some of the advantages.


What Is Guest Post?

Basically, guest posting is currently publishing articles or blogs on different websites. There are a number of websites that accepts blog post from volunteer writers. Apart from this, each Guest blogging site will publish a post if it’s original, distinctive and relevant.

The following facet of Guest posting-It is the off-page search engine optimization technique used to acquire a referral link by other approved sites.

As we mentioned earlier, various guest posting sites have different stipulations such as blogging. Membership on a guest blogging site may be paid or free. And for each guest blogger quantity of post is restricted.

Meanwhile, in the event, the guest blogger includes a website with some significance using the guest posting site might add the connection of his website in the guest article. Not just this guest posting has additional benefits too. Keeping everything online let’s see all the benefits of Guest Blogging.


Benefits of Guest Posting

A big gain of guest blogging would be referral links. However, the benefits of guest posting will be outside this. Guest posting enhances your online existence not merely browsing motors however also on unique websites too. Still another benefit of Guest posting would be to website SEO (Search motor optimization). Let us take a Peek at guest posting advantages –


  1. Establish Authority
  2. More Link Juice
  3. Social Networking Benefits
  4. Importance of high authority backlinks
  5. Branding
  6. Increase website traffic
  7. Generates Leads


Let’s have a brief about all benefits of Guest Posting-


1. Establish Authority

Quality of website posts is of fantastic significance for producing website popular and applicable. By encouraging nicely written and authoritative site posts and content, a website stands to set itself as an authority on the topic. The search spiders enjoy websites which have real information to offer you. The guest blogger gains from posting sites which promote real articles by means of vulnerability to the viewers of a market category that are genuinely searching for advice. Hence the guest blogger determines His/Her authority for a high-quality author.


2. More Link Juice

A website isn’t of any use if it doesn’t make one dime. It is a simple fact that nobody is able to dismiss. Hosting a website involves using resources — efforts in addition to money. Why waste the attempts? By guest posting, you’ll earn not just cash but will even figure on the greater pages of their search engine success.

How? Well, among many standards such as search engines is the characteristic of links which point towards an internet website. These are known as off-site links. The more links you have from related websites which point towards your website, the higher your odds are at making it on the best ten or s list about the search results page. By guest posting on websites which are associated with or are very similar to a website, you’re boosting the degree of ranking through quality backlinks.


3. Social Networking Benefits

From the Web 2.0 era, it’s simply logical to connect your content and eventually become a part of their’inner circle’. Guest posts are shared with subscribers and talked about on many different social media websites and forums. This permits a writer to know various viewpoints on the exact same subject consequently adding to his knowledge foundation which subsequently makes him a much better author.


4. Importance of high authority backlinks

High Authority Backlinks are particularly valuable for SEO since they signify a”vote of confidence” from 1 website to another. Essentially, traffic to your website are a sign to search engines that many others vouch to your content. If many sites link to the exact same webpage or website, search engines may infer that content is well worth connecting to, and so also worth surfacing to a SERP. Thus, making these high authority backlinks may have a beneficial impact on a website’s rank position for lookup visibility.


5. Branding

Guest Posting is a superb method of creating your own new name. You’ve got the thought. You’ve got the content. You simply don’t have any method of telling other people about it. Guest posting may make sure that you discuss your thoughts with viewers that are really interested in the info that you need to offer you. Your market composing demonstrates you as a new. Several websites publish the writer’s image to give credibility to these posts. So you’ve got the guest blogger for a brand alone!


6. Increase website traffic

To get a website operator, online traffic would be your most important concern. Guest posting meets this issue in lots of ways. Firstly, if you opt to get a guest post that you pick the most applicable website. Just like in the event that you own health product that you go for medical guest posting websites.

This could declare through guest posting we could aim our prospective audience and with the aid of links which visitors could be made to our website. Thus, search for high authority websites that pertain to your subject and also have a fantastic amount of visitors. Because in the event the guest posting website does not have quality visitors you aren’t going to receive any positive aspects.

Remember to place a couple of links on your own website from your guest post. 1 guest post may get redirect over 1000 traffic visitors to your website, which may be transformed into leads.


7. Generates Leads

In leads generation, you will need an audience base which has an interest in your product and services. Therefore, for leads, you want to filter out your essential audience.

Guest posting supplies you that filter. Throughout the guest post, you are approaching your relevant audience. Which says that audiences who read your site, currently have interest and understanding of the topic.

When you construct a good reader base of any guest post means that the readers are impressed with the information which you have shared and also have faith in you. Such readers can be easily converted to leads.

Still, if the viewer is not converting into leads needed a positive connection with you and your services.

The Benefits of Guest Posting: Exploring Free and Paid Guest Posting Options


In the dynamic world of digital marketing, guest posting stands out as a powerful strategy to enhance online visibility and authority. Guest posting involves writing and publishing content on another website or blog, allowing the writer to reach a broader audience and the host site to offer fresh perspectives to its readers. This mutually beneficial practice has evolved significantly, becoming a cornerstone of content marketing.

This article delves into the nuances of guest posting, examining both free and paid options. We’ll explore the benefits for writers and host sites, dispel common misconceptions, and provide actionable insights on how to leverage guest posting effectively. Whether you’re a novice blogger or an established brand, understanding the intricacies of guest posting can significantly impact your digital marketing success.

Section 1: Understanding Guest Posting

What is Guest Posting?

Guest posting, also known as guest blogging, involves writing articles for other websites or blogs within your industry or niche. The primary purpose is to reach a new audience, build authority, and generate backlinks to your own site. Historically, guest posting began as a simple way for bloggers to collaborate and share audiences. Over time, it has evolved into a sophisticated strategy used by marketers to boost search engine rankings and enhance brand visibility.

Why is Guest Posting Important?

Benefits for the Writer

  1. Backlink Building: Guest posts typically include a link back to the writer’s website, which is crucial for SEO.
  2. Brand Exposure: Reaching a new audience helps increase brand awareness and credibility.
  3. Authority and Credibility: Publishing on reputable sites enhances the writer’s reputation as an industry expert.

Benefits for the Host Site

  1. Fresh Content: Guest posts provide fresh, diverse content, keeping the site engaging for readers.
  2. Increased Traffic: Prominent guest writers can attract their followers to the host site.
  3. SEO Advantages: Quality content and backlinks from guest posts can improve the host site’s search engine rankings.

Types of Guest Posting

Free Guest Posting

Free guest posting involves submitting content without any monetary exchange. Writers benefit from exposure and backlinks, while host sites gain free content.

Paid Guest Posting

Paid guest posting involves paying for the opportunity to publish content on another site. This often ensures placement on higher authority sites, potentially offering better SEO benefits and greater exposure.

Common Misconceptions About Guest Posting

Myths vs. Reality

  • Myth: Guest posting is only for SEO.
    • Reality: While SEO is a significant benefit, guest posting also helps build brand authority, network with industry leaders, and reach new audiences.
  • Myth: Free guest posting is always low-quality.
    • Reality: Many reputable sites accept high-quality free guest posts, benefiting both the writer and the host.

Addressing Concerns About SEO and Content Quality

  • Concern: Guest posts might be seen as spammy by search engines.
    • Solution: Focus on high-quality, relevant content and choose reputable sites.
  • Concern: Guest posts won’t match the quality of the host site.
    • Solution: Adhere to the host site’s guidelines and strive for excellence in your writing.

Section 2: The Benefits of Guest Posting

SEO Benefits

Backlink Building

Backlinks are links from other websites to your own. Search engines view these links as endorsements, improving your site’s authority and ranking. Guest posting is an effective way to acquire high-quality backlinks.

Improving Domain Authority

Domain Authority (DA) is a metric that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). Guest posting on high-DA sites can transfer some of that authority to your site, enhancing your SEO efforts.

Enhanced Search Engine Ranking

By acquiring quality backlinks and improving domain authority, guest posting can significantly boost your search engine ranking, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

Brand Exposure

Reaching a Broader Audience

Guest posting allows you to tap into the established audience of the host site, reaching readers who may not be familiar with your brand.

Establishing Authority and Credibility in the Industry

Publishing insightful, valuable content on respected platforms positions you as an authority in your field, building trust with both existing and potential customers.

Network Building

Connecting with Influencers and Industry Leaders

Guest posting can open doors to collaborations with influencers and leaders in your industry, fostering valuable relationships.

Building Relationships and Partnerships

Engaging with the community through guest posts can lead to partnerships, joint ventures, and other collaborative opportunities.

Content Diversification

Fresh Perspectives for the Host Site

Guest posts bring new voices and perspectives, enriching the content available to the host site’s audience.

Demonstrating Expertise in Various Niches

For writers, guest posting across different niches showcases versatility and expertise, enhancing your portfolio and credibility.

Traffic Generation

Driving Traffic to Your Own Site

Effective guest posts include compelling calls to action (CTAs) that drive traffic back to your own website, increasing your visitor count and potential customer base.

Measuring and Analyzing the Traffic Increase

Utilize analytics tools to track traffic from guest posts, assessing which sites and topics drive the most engagement and adjusting your strategy accordingly.

Social Media Growth

Increasing Social Media Following

Guest posts can boost your social media presence by encouraging readers to follow your profiles for more content.

Engagement and Shares from Guest Posts

High-quality guest posts are more likely to be shared on social media, amplifying your reach and engagement.

Section 3: Free Guest Posting

Advantages of Free Guest Posting


Free guest posting requires no financial investment, making it accessible for marketers with limited budgets.

Access to a Variety of Platforms

Many websites accept free guest posts, providing numerous opportunities to get your content published.

Challenges of Free Guest Posting

High Competition for Quality Sites

The best free guest posting sites receive numerous submissions, making it challenging to get accepted.

Potential for Lower-Quality Backlinks

Not all free guest posting opportunities provide high-quality backlinks, which may impact your SEO efforts.

How to Find Free Guest Posting Opportunities

Researching Industry-Specific Blogs

Identify blogs within your industry that accept guest posts. Look for guidelines or contact information on their websites.

Utilizing Guest Post Directories and Platforms

Platforms like MyBlogGuest and BlogDash connect writers with blogs seeking guest posts.

Crafting a Successful Free Guest Post

Identifying the Right Topic

Choose topics that align with the host site’s audience and address their interests or pain points.

Writing High-Quality, Engaging Content

Ensure your content is well-researched, informative, and engaging to captivate readers and meet the host site’s standards.

Following Submission Guidelines

Adhere to the host site’s submission guidelines, including word count, formatting, and link policies, to increase your chances of acceptance.

Case Studies

Examples of Successful Free Guest Posting Campaigns

  • Case Study 1: A digital marketer gained substantial traffic and improved SEO by consistently contributing to a popular industry blog.
  • Case Study 2: A freelance writer expanded her client base by guest posting on various niche blogs, showcasing her expertise.

Lessons Learned from These Examples

  • Consistency and quality are key to successful guest posting.
  • Tailoring content to the host site’s audience increases the likelihood of acceptance and engagement.

Section 4: Paid Guest Posting

Advantages of Paid Guest Posting

Guaranteed Placement

Paying for guest posting often ensures your content will be published, saving time and effort.

Potential for Higher-Quality Sites and Backlinks

Paid opportunities usually involve reputable sites, offering valuable backlinks and greater exposure.

Challenges of Paid Guest Posting

Cost Considerations

Paid guest posting can be expensive, making it less accessible for small businesses or individual marketers.

Risk of Being Seen as Paid Promotion

Some audiences may view paid guest posts skeptically, potentially undermining credibility.

How to Find Paid Guest Posting Opportunities

Reputable Platforms and Services

Use platforms like BuySellGuestPost and OutreachMama, which connect marketers with high-quality guest posting opportunities.

Assessing the Value and Credibility of Paid Opportunities

Evaluate the site’s authority, audience engagement, and relevance to your niche before investing in a paid guest post.

Crafting a Successful Paid Guest Post

Maximizing ROI from Paid Posts

Ensure your content provides value, aligns with your marketing goals, and includes effective CTAs to maximize return on investment.

Ensuring Content Aligns with Both Parties’ Goals

Collaborate with the host site to ensure the content meets their standards and resonates with their audience while achieving your objectives.

Case Studies

Examples of Successful Paid Guest Posting Campaigns

  • Case Study 1: A SaaS company boosted its lead generation by publishing paid guest posts on top industry blogs.
  • Case Study 2: An e-commerce brand increased its sales and traffic through strategic paid guest posts on popular review sites.

Lessons Learned from These Examples

  • Investing in high-authority sites can yield significant benefits.
  • Clear, compelling CTAs are crucial for driving conversions from paid guest posts.

Section 5: Comparing Free and Paid Guest Posting

Cost vs. Benefit Analysis

Comparing the Tangible and Intangible Benefits of Each Approach

  • Free Guest Posting: Cost-effective, but may require more effort to find quality opportunities. Offers exposure and backlinks without financial investment.
  • Paid Guest Posting: Ensures placement on reputable sites, providing high-quality backlinks and significant exposure, but involves monetary costs.

Suitability for Different Business Goals

Which Approach Works Best for Various Business Sizes and Types?

  • Small Businesses: Free guest posting can be a cost-effective way to build authority and gain exposure.
  • Established Brands: Paid guest posting can deliver faster, more substantial results, aligning with larger marketing budgets and goals.

Long-term vs. Short-term Strategies

How Each Method Fits into Long-term Content Marketing Strategies

  • Free Guest Posting: Ideal for building long-term relationships and steadily growing authority.
  • Paid Guest Posting: Effective for quick results and targeted campaigns, fitting into both short-term and long-term strategies.

Real-world Examples

Companies That Have Successfully Used Both Free and Paid Guest Posting

  • Example 1: A tech startup used free guest posts to build initial traction and credibility, then transitioned to paid posts for rapid growth.
  • Example 2: A health blog leveraged free guest posts to diversify content and paid posts to boost traffic and SEO.

Section 6: Best Practices for Effective Guest Posting

Research and Preparation

Understanding the Target Audience

Research the host site’s audience to tailor your content to their interests and needs.

Tailoring Content to Fit the Host Site’s Style and Guidelines

Align your writing style with the host site’s tone and follow their guidelines meticulously to increase acceptance chances.

Creating High-Quality Content

Ensuring Originality and Relevance

Provide unique, valuable insights that are relevant to the host site’s audience and not available elsewhere.

SEO Best Practices

Incorporate relevant keywords naturally, use engaging headlines, and include internal and external links to enhance SEO.

Building Relationships

Maintaining Communication with Host Sites

Foster ongoing relationships with host site editors and owners through regular communication and collaboration.

Following Up and Engaging with the Audience

Engage with readers by responding to comments and sharing the guest post on your social media channels.


Summary of Key Points

Guest posting, whether free or paid, offers numerous benefits including SEO improvement, brand exposure, network building, and traffic generation. Understanding the different types of guest posting and leveraging best practices can maximize these benefits.

Future of Guest Posting

As digital marketing evolves, guest posting is likely to remain a valuable strategy. Trends suggest a growing emphasis on high-quality, value-driven content and collaborations with influencers and authoritative sites.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating guest posting into your marketing strategy can significantly enhance your online presence and credibility. By carefully selecting opportunities and creating high-quality content, businesses can achieve substantial growth and success.

Additional Sections (Optional but Recommended for Further Depth)

FAQs about Guest Posting

Address Common Questions and Concerns About Guest Posting

  1. How do I find guest posting opportunities?
    • Research industry blogs, use guest post directories, and network with other bloggers.
  2. What are the best practices for writing a guest post?
    • Provide valuable, original content, follow the host site’s guidelines, and include a compelling bio.
  3. How can I measure the success of a guest post?
    • Track referral traffic, monitor engagement, and assess SEO impact.

Expert Opinions and Interviews

Insights from Industry Experts on the Best Practices and Future of Guest Posting

  • Expert 1: Discusses the importance of aligning content with the host site’s audience.
  • Expert 2: Emphasizes the role of guest posting in building long-term industry relationships.

Tools and Resources for Guest Posting

List and Brief Description of Useful Tools and Resources for Finding Guest Post Opportunities and Measuring Success

  • MyBlogGuest: A platform connecting bloggers with guest post opportunities.
  • BuzzSumo: Helps identify popular blogs and trending topics for guest posts.
  • Google Analytics: Tracks the traffic and engagement generated from guest posts.

By following this comprehensive guide, businesses can harness the full potential of guest posting, whether opting for free or paid opportunities. The strategic use of guest posts can drive significant growth, enhance authority, and build valuable industry connections.

Advanced Search Queries to Find Guest Posting Sites

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keyword intitle:”write for us”

keyword intitle:”write for me”

Keyword intitle:”contribute to”

Keyword intitle:”submit” + inurl:blog

Keyword “submit a guest post”

Keyword inurl:/guest-post/

Keyword “guest post”

Keyword “guest post by”

Keyword “accepting guest posts”

Keyword “guest post guidelines”

Keyword “guest author”

Keyword “guest article”

Keyword “guest column”

Keyword “become a contributor”

inpostauthor:guest keyword

inpostauthor:”guest blog” keyword

inpostauthor:”guest post” keyword

Your Keyword “guest post”

Your Keyword “write for us”

Your Keyword “guest article”

Your Keyword “this is a guest post by”

Your Keyword “contributing writer”

Your Keyword “want to write for”

Your Keyword “submit blog post”

Your Keyword “contribute to our site”

Your Keyword “guest column”

Your Keyword “submit content”

Your Keyword “submit your content”

Your Keyword “submit post”

Your Keyword “This post was written by”

Your Keyword “guest post courtesy of ”

Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines”

Your Keyword “suggest a post”

Your Keyword “submit an article”

Your Keyword “contributor guidelines”

Your Keyword “contributing writer”

Your Keyword “submit tech news”

Your Keyword “become a guest blogger”

Your Keyword “guest blogger”

Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”

Your Keyword “looking for guest posts”

Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”

Your Keyword “guest poster wanted”

Your Keyword “accepting guest posts”

Your Keyword “writers wanted”

Your Keyword “articles wanted”

Your Keyword “become an author”

Your Keyword “become guest writer”

Your Keyword “become a contributor”

Your Keyword “submit guest post”

Your Keyword “submit an article”

Your Keyword “submit article”

Your Keyword “guest author”

Your Keyword “send a tip”

Your Keyword inurl: “guest blogger”

Your Keyword inurl: “guest post”

Your Keyword “guest post”

Your Keyword “write for us”Your Keyword “guest article”

Your Keyword “guest post opportunities”

Your Keyword “this is a guest post by”

Your Keyword “contributing writer”

Your Keyword “want to write for”

Your Keyword “submit blog post”

Your Keyword “contribute to our site”

Your Keyword “guest column”

Your Keyword “submit content”

Your Keyword “submit your content”

Your Keyword “submit post”

Your Keyword “This post was written by”

Your Keyword “guest post courtesy of ”

Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines”

Your Keyword “suggest a post”

Your Keyword “submit an article”

Your Keyword “contributor guidelines”

Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”

Your Keyword “looking for guest posts”

Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”

Your Keyword “guest poster wanted”

Your Keyword “accepting guest posts”

Your Keyword “writers wanted”

Your Keyword “articles wanted”

Your Keyword “become an author”

Your Keyword “become guest writer”

Your Keyword “become a contributor”

Your Keyword “submit guest post”

Your Keyword “submit an article”

Your Keyword “submit article”

Your Keyword “guest author”

Your Keyword “send a tip”

Your Keyword inurl: “guest blogger”

Your Keyword inurl: “guest post”

Your Keyword “guest post” | write for us “startup funding”

Your Keyword “write for us”

Your Keyword “guest article”

Your Keyword “this is a guest post by”

Your Keyword “contributing writer”

Your Keyword “want to write for”

Your Keyword “submit blog post”

Your Keyword “contribute to our site”

Your Keyword “guest column”

Your Keyword “submit content”

Your Keyword “submit your content”

Your Keyword “submit post”

Your Keyword “This post was written by”

Your Keyword “guest post courtesy of ”

Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines”

Your Keyword “suggest a post”

Your Keyword “submit an article”

Your Keyword “contributor guidelines”

Your Keyword “contributing writer”

Your Keyword “submit news”

Your Keyword “become a guest blogger”

Your Keyword “guest blogger”

Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”

Your Keyword “looking for guest posts”

Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”

Your Keyword “guest poster wanted”

Your Keyword “accepting guest posts”

Your Keyword “writers wanted”

Your Keyword “articles wanted”

Your Keyword “become an author”

Your Keyword “become guest writer”

Your Keyword “become a contributor”

Your Keyword “submit guest post”

Your Keyword “submit an article”

Your Keyword “submit article”

Your Keyword “guest author”

Your Keyword “send a tip”

Your Keyword inurl: “guest blogger”

Your Keyword inurl: “guest post”

Your Keyword + guest post

Keyword + intext:”this is a sponsored post”

Keyword + intext:”this was a sponsored post”

Keyword + intext:”this is a paid post”

Keyword + intext:”this was a paid post”

Keyword + intext:”this is a Sponsored review”

Keyword + intext:”this was a Sponsored review”

Keyword + intext:”this is a paid review”

Keyword + intext:”this was a paid review”

Keyword + “top 10 resources”/”top resources”

Keyword + “top 10 sites/”top sites”

Keyword + “top 10 websites”/”top websites”

Keyword + “top 10 articles”/ “top articles”

Keyword + “top 10 tools”/”top tools”

Keyword + “top 10 web resources”/”top web resources”

Keyword + “top 10 internet resources”/”top internet resources”

Keyword + “top 10 online resources”/”top online resources”

Keyword + “recommended resources”/”suggested resources”

Keyword + “useful resources”/”interesting resources”

Keyword + “favorite resources”

Keyword + “recommended sites”/”suggested sites”

Keyword + “useful sites”/”interesting sites”

Keyword + “favorite sites”

Keyword + “recommended websites”/”suggested websites”

Keyword + “useful websites”/”interesting websites”

Keyword + “favorite websites”

Keyword + intext:”this is a sponsored post”

Keyword + intext:”this was a sponsored post”

Keyword + intext:”this is a paid post”

Keyword + intext:”this was a paid post”

Keyword + intext:”this is a Sponsored review”

Keyword + intext:”this was a Sponsored review”

Keyword + intext:”this is a paid review”

Keyword + intext:”this was a paid review”